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Van Marcel de Leeuwe (redactie) | 11-06-2013 | Article Rating | (0) reacties

Europese Unie ook in MOOCs

Europese Unie ook in MOOCs

De Europese Unie is met partners in 11 landen gestart met een eigen OpenUpEd MOOC platform.

In Wired Academic is de melding gemaakt van dit initiatief. Partners in 11 landen (Frankrijk, Italië, Litouwen, Nederland, Portugal, Slowakije, Spanje, UK, Rusland, Turkije en Israel) verzorgen inhoud.

Vanuit Nederland neemt de Open Universiteit deel en de OU heeft in september een MOOC gepland over e-Learning.

Het initiatief vind je op deze website. Fred Mulder van de Open Universiteit in Nederland is voorzitter van dit initiatief.

OpenUpEd in een notendop

  • Eerste aanbod omvat ongeveer 40 MOOCs.
  • Gratis.
  • In 12 verschillende talen.
  • initiatief wordt geleid door de European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).
  • Open Universiteiten spele een belangrijke rol.
  • Iedere partner verzorgt via eigen learning platform in eigen taal het programma.
  • cursussen kunnen een bewijs van deelname opleveren, een badge of een gecrediteerd certificaat (dit laatste kost dan tussen de € 25 en € 400.

De Europese Commissie zegt…

Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, welcomes the new initiative: “This is an exciting development and I hope it will open up education to tens of thousands of students and trigger our schools and universities to adopt more innovative and flexible teaching methods. The MOOCs movement has already proved popular, especially in the US, but this pan-European launch takes the scheme to a new level. It reflects European values such as equity, quality and diversity and the partners involved are a guarantee for high-quality learning. We see this as a key part of the Opening up Education strategy which the Commission will launch this summer.”

Professor Fred Mulder, chair of the EADTU task force on open education and UNESCO chair in Open Educational Resources, is leading the initiative. “We have much to offer in Europe by fully exploring the possibilities created by the MOOCs revolution, but with a broader perspective on opening up education. Our aim is to respond to the need for a more accessible system of higher education, which puts the learner at the centre. The European MOOCs will provide quality, self-study materials and a bridge between informal learning and formal education. Some of the courses attract formal credits which will count towards a degree, for example. And we cherish diversity both in language and in culture,” adds Mulder, who was Rector of the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands from 2000 to 2010.

EADTU President Will Swann says: “For decades, the open universities of Europe and their partners have brought the highest quality of teaching and learning to all who seek it. The pan-European MOOCs initiative shows our collective passion to further innovate. We look to expand with a growing range of courses from the launch partners, and we will welcome new partners from across the world who share our vision and practice of flexible, responsive higher education.”

Meer info vind je in het nieuwsbericht vanuit de Europese Commissie.

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